FastPhotoReports is designed for Windows 7, 8 ,or 10 desktops, laptops and PC tablets. *** It Will work on Macs but ONLY with Parrallels or some other virtual PC.
I-5 Processor (I-7 recommended)
FastPhotoReports utilizes all the processing power it can. The more processing power you have the faster you will see the report preview refresh, pdf creation, etc.
4 GB RAM (8+ recommended)
FastPhotoReports needs a lot of memory, especially when your reports have many pages of photos. Although FastPhotoReports will function on 4 GB systems, we recommend at least 8 for optimal performance
350 MB Free Disk Space
Much of the needed space is for sample reports and tutorials.
Screen Resolution
HD resolution (1920 x 1080p) minimum is recommended. This allows you to take full advantage of all of the availalble tool panels along the edges of the screen. You can use lower resolutions but you may have to scroll some.